Labels:bulletin board | clock | dialog box | earth | sky OCR: Contro1 panel interf face page selection Shov the helr window that you are looking at now Activate Flash-It HotKeys Specify if the cur: sor (pointer Select Options Help image also should be captured X Enable Flash-It XShow tar -tup icon Image factor scaling Use default folder when Captur cursor Scale 100 saving captured images to PICT file Default PICT folder Screendump folder Select capture tool to use e Re-use previous capture region Marquee Rectanqular celection Select if F1ashIt Lasso : Free-hand selection Capture too1: hould use the Marquee Lasso same screen- Option to use while captur region caps- -lock key down when When caps -lock down capture the previous screen-capture HotKey Fu11 screen Top window Menu only time pressed Notifu success with Screen Invers sion Select the notifica ...